At-Home Microdermabrasion

DIY At-Home Microdermabrasion
You don’t have to go to a professional to get glowing and beautiful looking skin!

DIY At-Home Microdermabrasion paste to gently exfoliate particles, unclog pores, and heals your skin.

The baking soda painlessly removes dead skin cells & clogged pores while the honey heals and moisturizes skin.

Honestly, this is really very easy and all you need is 3 tablsppon baking soda mixed with 3 tablespoon honey and 2 drops lavender essential oil. Mix together and set aside.

Wash and dry your face before applying. Use your fingers to apply the mask and gently exfoliate the skin by rubbing your fingers in a circular motion. Rinse with cool water after 5 minutes, then pat dry with a soft cloth.

Can be done once a week and you can substititue the lavender essential oil with lemon or citrus.