Beauty Elixir: Natural Hair Growth Remedy

Great Natural Hair growth Remedy
This natural remedy will help make your hair grow longer, faster while making sure your scalp stays cleansed, & healthy. Below are the ingredients and how they work to benefit you!

In a clean, empty bottle add the following:

10 drops Lavender Oil
3 tbsp. Castile Soap
1 tbsp. Almond Oil
1 tbsp. Jojba Oil
2 tbsp. Argan Oil

Shake well to mix before using. These are just a few of the beneftis theses ingredients have on your hair.

Jojoba Oil
Maintains balance & keeps moisture locked in your hair.
Protects scalp from dirt & bacteria

Almond Oil
Prevents from dry, flaky skin
Softens your hair & skin.

Castile Soap
Natural & gentle on your skin
Cleanses, removes bacteria and dirt

Argan Oil
Contains antioxidants for healing irritated skin.
Contains fatty acids and vitamin E

Lavender Oil
Soft, genle, leaves you feeling refreshed & smelling lovely.