DIY Cuticle Care

DIY Cuticle Care
Cuticle Care Cream

Cuticles play an important part in protecting your nails and keeping them beautiful.

Help maintain healthy nails by properly caring for your cuticles.

Moisturize and soften your cuticles using a simple, homemade cream.

What You Need:
3 tbsp. Eucerin Aquaphor Healing Ointment (or Vaseline)
1 tbsp. Coconut Oil
3 tsp. Lemon Juice
Small Container

Mix ointment, coconut oil (or olive oil), & lemon juice and blend until creamy.

Rinse hands under warm water and apply using a little bit at a time and massage into your cuticles.

Store in a small container and keep in refrigerator for best results.

Tip: Use a soft bristle tooth brush and a small amount of Vaseline and massage your cuticles to keep them soft and happy.