Bobby Pin Hairspray Tip

This is a great tip and is super simple, we wanted to share with you and

Summer Hair Care

What you’ll need: 1 cup coconut milk 1 Avocado 2 tbsp honey 2 tbsp olive oil

Breakfast Swap

This is an awesome guide brought to you by

Almond Oil Face Scrub

Almond Oil Face Scrub Almond oil is rich in

Diy Lip Exfoliator

Diy Lip Exfoliator 1 tbsp honey, 1 tbsp brown

Whiten Teeth Using Strawberries & Banana Peels

Whiten Teeth Using Strawberries & Banana Peels Strawberries are

Homemade Deodorant

Homemade Deodorant for Sensitive Skin This is a great

Erase Acne Scars

Help to erase your acne scars by mixing 2

Radiant & Healthy Skin

A quick and easy tip using ingredients from around

Smooth Nail Polish Trick

Put your nail polish in the fridge for 26