Detoxifying Foot Soak

Detoxifying Foot Soak
Homemade Detoxifying Foot Soak

Flush out toxins and leave your feet feeling refreshed with this detoxifying foot soak.

Works great to soothe aching, tired feet and also helps to remove odor.

What You Need:
5 cups Water
1 cup Rose Water
1 cup Apple cider Vinegar
1/2 cup Epsom Salt
2 tbsp Hydrogen Peroxide
Essential Oils

Add 5 cups hot water to a bowl or small tub big enough to soak your feet in.

Add rose water, & apple cider vinegar to hot water, and mix in remaining ingredients. Add any essential oils (peppermint or citrus leaves a lovely scent).

Let your feet soak for about 10 minutes, then wipe feet off with a soft cloth.

Apply lotion and put on socks for a few hours. This foot soak works best before going to sleep.

Remove odor, relieves aches & pains helps to remove toxins from your system.

Image Credit: ShutterStock / Juriah Mosin