Make Your Own Deodorant Spray

Make Your Own Deodorant Spray
Making your own homemade deodorant spray could never be easier.

This is a really easy and cheap home remedy, and unlike baking soda, this deodorant spray won’t cause you to chaff during the warmer weather.

This is a non-toxic spray that can be used on your underarms, on your feet and even in your shoes.

You can also use this spray as a nifty air deodorizer to make your room smell fresh.

4 oz. Spray Bottle
1/2 cup Witch Hazel
1/4 tsp. Aloe Vera Gel
5 drops Frankincense Essential Oil
5 drops Tea Tree Oil
5 drops Citrus or Lavender Essential Oils

What to do:
Fill thew spray bottle with witch hazel, but do not fill all the way. Add your essential oils and place on the cap. Shake the bottle a bit to mix all the items together.

Spray onto clean armpits, on your feet or in your shoes to eliminate odors.

Keep stored in a cool, dry place and shake before using. Keep for up to a month before making a new batch.

Image Credit: nito / ShutterStock