Tips for Dry Brushing
Dry brushing is a safe and inexpensive way to remove dead skin, stimulate the skin layers and increase circulation.
Great for cleaning pores, removing toxins from the body and creates smoother skin leaving you with a healthy, glowing complexion.
There are a few things to remember when dry brushing that we would like to share with you:
Brush dry skin daily, then shower afterward and use a small amount of coconut oil as a moisturizer.
Make sure not to brush over cuts or where rashes or wounds are present.
Always remember to brush towards the heart making long sweeps. Brush in circular motions and don’t go back and forth. Start with the outer body parts first. Starting at the feet, going up the legs, on the sides, then the arms towards the chest. On the stomach, brush counterclockwise.
Stop using the brush if your skin becomes red or irritated.
Use a brush with soft natural bristles, somewhat stiff but not too hard. Always make sure to clean your brush with soap and water after using.